Friday, October 8, 2010

Back again

I know I know its been forever since I last blogged. So what's new???????????? Well a lot of new things in my life. For starters my husband was home on HLTA from his tour. He arrived home the end of July. We spent a week in NB a week in NS and the last week we came back home to ON. It was nice to have him home but his leave went by WAYYYYYYYYYYYY too fast. It was a sad day to see him off again. Dropping him off at the airport was really really hard. The only thing that got me through it was thinking the next time I see him there will be no more goodbyes (well as an army wife you cant really say no more but hopefully not for awhile). After he left the next day I started a part time job. That has been awesome for me. To get me out of the house and working again was just what I needed. THANK God for my best friend getting me this job. She has been amazing to me!!! We hang out pretty much every day and we haven't gotten sick of each other :) That's always a good sign. We are just so much a like its unreal. We both have different life experiences but we have the same outlook on life.

Life is so funny. I never in a million years thought I would be living on an army base wanting on my husband to come back from tour. I never thought that I was strong enough. Sometimes I still do not feel strong enough but you learn to lean on the people you know are around to support you and you feed off their energy.

That's it for now. I have so much more to write but there is this thing called a bed and I hung out my bedding on the line today and my nice fleece sheets are calling my name :) Good night all and I will write more soon.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wishing the days away

Well today is my birthday and all I can think about is my husband so far away. This past year has been one filled with a lot of changes. Last year at this time we just made the move to good ol Petawawa. On my birthday last year we were unpacking all the boxes from our move. Yesterday I came home from visiting my friend Pam and there was a basket of flowers waiting for me from my husband. I love them they are so very beautiful. Makes me feel really special to know that he was thinking of me enough to send me such a beautiful arrangement of flowers. Wow am I the luckiest girl in the world or what. As I sit here typing all I can smell are the lillies. Pretty soon the love of my life will be home for his leave. I am so looking forward to that.

Things are going good and I take each day at a time. Some are harder then others but I know you are never dealt more than you can handle. I thank God every day for the love and support of my husband, friends and family.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Life changes

Wow I really have not written here in a long time. For the last month I have been spending as much time as possible with my man. He is now deployed. I have so many mixed feelings about it but the mostly I feel proud. I got a call today from him but I was out so he left a message. He sounds like he is in good spirits and I know that he is with a good group of men.

Friday I am making the long trip back to NB. I decided that I wanted to do the drive alone just to prove to myself that I can do it. It is funny how much you tend to rely on your spouse for things. This deployment will help me out in getting my independance back. Hubby will come home to a much strong woman and I am counting down the days until he returns.

I am such a lucky person to have such an amazing husband, family and friends. Without these people I would be a reck!!!

Today a few friends and I went to this Womans show here in Petawawa. There was this detox thing that we did. You soak your feet in warm water and sea salt. There is a motorized thing in it that kind looks like one of the things that cleans a fish tank. Anyways the stuff that came out of my feet was totally gross. I dont even know how to explain it. After it was all over I felt a million times lighter. My mood was awesome all day I have been so very happy and relaxed. After that went to a friends house where we drank way too much beer and I got way too much sun. OH well everyone gets a burn and it was an awesome time.

Thank you to everyone who supports me.... because of you all I am able to be here for my hubby and support him in the ways he needs :)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I hate being sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

What the...

So I wake up at 530 this morning to SNOW... Yes I said it snow!! I was really coming down and I was like well that is BS. Looking over the field now it is all gone :) That really makes me happy!!!!

Another Monday almost over... Wow the last month sure went by fast. Hard to believe in way less than a month my husband will be headed overseas. The closer it is getting the harder it is for me to put it in the back of my mind. We did attend the departure ceramony last Friday. I got to meet a lot of guys in hubby's company. That totally put my mind at ease. My husband is the type not to talk about work when he gets home. He tells me the important things but doesnt really talk about anything or anyone that is related to work. I can understand that it is hard to seperate work and home when you live on the same base you work at. Anyways the guys are awesome they bug him more then I do :) I know going over with this group of guys they will keep eachothers spirits up and that makes me so very happy :)

We are doing our pre deployment photos soon. I am so looking forward to that. My husband doesnt really wanna but hey he looks DAMN SEXY in that tan uniform!!!!!!!!! I will need something to drool over for 6 LONG months hahahahahaha

Anyways HAPPY MONDAY!!!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Can't help but wonder

So my husband is home YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhh!!! It has been awesome having him back at home. I must say for the first few days I kinda felt like I was cheating on him. I know it sounds weird but it is how I felt. I even told him that it felt like there was a strange man in my house. But it didn't take long for that feeling to go away. HAHAHA when I picked him up at work the first thing I said to him was OMG your face is so dirty... turns out it was his tan LOL

Yesterday was the first day I got to see him wearing his Tan uniform. That was really really really hard. But I have to say he makes it look DAMN sexy. He was also told the date that he will be leaving!! I am trying so very hard not to think about it and just enjoy the time we have together but it is so hard with that hanging over my head. SIGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Can't wait for him to get home from work :)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Happy, Nervous, and Scared

Happy... Cuz my hubby will be home really really soon. I miss him so much and I cannot wait to be in his arms again.

Nervous... I just got off the phone with hubby and he told me his approx date he will be leaving for Afghan. It is a lot sooner then I expected.

Scared... He is going to war WHO wouldn't be :(

The Army Wife’s Prayer (found this online)

Dear Lord,

Give me the greatness of heart to see the difference between duty and his love for me. Give me understanding that I may know, when duty calls him he must go. Give me a task to do each day, to fill the time when he’s away. And Lord, when he’s in a foreign land, keep him safe in your loving hand. And Lord, when duty is in the field, please protect him and be his shield. And Lord, when deployment is so long, please stay with me and keep me strong.


Trying to be strong,
